What is difference between Straight hair and Deep wave or Curly hair?

Both of them are virgin human hair collected from young girl donors from India, Brazilian, or other countries. Virgin Human hair can be processed, dyed, and straightened. 

When dealing with maintenance, deep wave, and curly hair is easy to dry and tangle because of the tight curls. More maintenance is needed in your daily care to keep it last a longer time.

Deep wave hair offers a full beautiful, healthy appearance with lots of glosses. Deep wave hair textures flow regular weave like body wave, while it has considerably tighter curls than body wave. If you want to add more hair to your natural hair, deep wave hair is the right choice because it combines with your hair well and looks bomb and thick.
Again, you need to take regular care of your deep wave hair and treat your hair to preserve it from shedding and tangling.

Riverwood deep wave hair is high quality unprocessed virgin human hair. Our products include Brazilian, Peruvian, Malaysian, Indian hair, and some human hair wigs. It is best-selling and has a trendy texture, feel free to check it out.

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